Video Installations in elevators
Photographic printing on glass interior and exterior glass windows
Public commission awarded for New Hospital area for Malmö Hospital, Sweden
Budget: SEK 2 800 000:-
Trees to See the Sky Through consists of video installation embedded in the elevator ceilings, and two photographic print installations on glass windows in the hospital atrium and the panoramic staircase across 11 floors with the same theme. Trees are traditionally considered healing or sacred elements across cultures. Each tree in the installations symbolize different places and climate zones. Trees are also used here to reinforce the architectural vision for the building in a structural sense. A single tree printed along the staircase from bottom to top becomes a metaphor that unites the building and the site.
Image editing: Jean-Baptiste Béranger
Project Leader: Nils Magnus Sköld
Commissioner: Regionfastigheter Region Skåne [/one_third_last]
Installation Views
View of elevator hall showing video monitors showing films with motion activated by sensors. As one goes up in the elevator, the image comes nearer the crowns of the tree towards the sky. As one goes down the elevator, the image recedes back into the base of the trees.
Each of the four elevators show a typical tree from different parts of the world.
Clockwise from top left: palm tree, olive tree, oak tree, and cedar tree.
Photographic Printing on Glass Interior
Interior view of the hall of the hospital with image of a fragment of a pine tree printed on the glass surface.
Interior views of glass surfaces in halls and panoramic windows in the staircases of the hospital. One pine tree is depicted from base to crown according to the height of the floors, the bottom floor shows the base of the pine tree all the way up to the last floor which shows the crown of the tree.