Another View

Photographic prints on glass
9 panels 12 x 3,2m

Barn och ungdoms psykiatrisk mottagning

Public commission for the psychiatric ward for children and teenagers (BUP) in Uppsala, Sweden.

A panoramic photograph of a forest landscape by a lake covers 11 glass panels facing streetside, creating a natural landscape in the cityscape for passersby and a tranquil view for visitors from the inside. The image filters the sunlight creating colorful shadows on the walls. The artistic concept was discussed with the BUP staff during the initial phase.

Project Leader: Consultant: Klas Hällerstrand

Budget: 500.000SEK

Commissioner: Regionfastigheter Region Uppsala

Installation views

Interior views of the photographic installation on 11 glass panels
Exterior view of the installation from across the street

®2021 Mats Hjelm Studio